About Qualmism

I’ve started a new religion because there just are not enough religions.  I call it Qualmism, and it’s founded on a general uneasiness about everything.  We have beliefs, but we have qualms about them.

I found sacred books buried in the Mojave desert off Interstate 15 on the way to Vegas; I’m still in the process of translating them.  I have to wear an aluminum hat and face north, so it is slow going.

There are 5 sacred books of the Qualmish.  The centerpiece is the Book of Qualms.  There are also the Book of Hesitations1st and 2nd Opinions, and the Book of Pronouns.  In the Book of Qualms are the Ten Suggestions which I will post another time.

Book of Qualms 4:16-17 asserts,  “A man who entereth his own portal is as an inverted tulip and his stamen is an aberration.”   Later in 1st Opinions it clarifies “Not that there’s anything wrong with that.”

The fullness of this religion will become more apparent as I post further translations.  Book of Qualms 7:22 “Doubt is the essence of wisdom and knowledge.”  Very Qualmish.  If two or three people become Qualmish in the next few days, it will be the fastest growing religion in the world.

About Chauncey Bowers

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